授業コード |
講義名 |
Core Eng I Com-SA (G2) [ライブ型・点呼]
開講時期 |
科目分類 |
科目分野 |
教員名 |
オリバー マッキー
実務家教員 |
履修年次 |
学習目標 (到達目標) |
Students will acquire the language and thinking skills to be able to participate in discussions at a high level. Students will improve their lexical understanding, thus positively impacting their communicative ability. Furthermore, they will develop a critical mindset with which to gauge and respond to communications emanating from others.
授業概要 (教育目的) |
This is an advanced course which aims to teach students key life skills involving analysis and information processing.
成績評価方法・基準 |
Participation 70%*, Final Test 30%
*Students cannot receive a participation score for classes which they do not attend.
期末試験の内容 |
The final test will cover concepts studied during the course. Students will need to demonstrate that they have understood the concepts.
課題の内容 |
Nothing, except an occasion research task.
第1回 |
Personal organization and time management - part 1
第2回 |
Personal organization and time management - part 2
第3回 |
Personal organization and time management - part 3
第4回 |
Personal organization and time management - part 4
第5回 |
Personal organization and time management - part 5
第6回 |
Personal organization and time management - part 6
第7回 |
Personal organization and time management - part 7
第8回 |
Personal organization and time management - part 8
教科書以外に準備するもの(画材・機材) |
Notebook, pencil, eraser.