授業コード |
講義名 |
Core Eng III Com-B (G1)
開講時期 |
科目分類 |
科目分野 |
教員名 |
ラガベンダラ カジャ
実務家教員 |
履修年次 |
単位数 |
曜日時限 |
授業概要 |
This course will increase students' ability to express their ideas and opinions in English on a variety of themes. The course will use both real-world and computer-based activities to assist students with developing the necessary skills to discuss topics relative to their lives and their studies. 本コースでは、様々な題材において、アイデアや意見を英語で表現する力を養います。課題は、コンピュータを使用するもの、使用しないもの、両方ありますが、どれも学生の生活や学業に関連したトピックについて論じるのに必要な技能を高める、その助けとなるものです。
到達目標 |
The objectives for this course are as follows: 本コースの目的は下記の通りです:
電話で簡単な表現や決まり文句を使って応答をすることができる。(例 : Please wait a moment. / Hold on. / Speaking.)
Students will enhance their current English vocabulary through weekly vocabulary exercises. 毎週行う練習問題を通して英語の語彙力を強化する。
Students will become more globally conscious by completing activities that focus on global themes. 国際的題材の課題を成し遂げていくことで、グローバル意識を高める。
Students ability to communicate their ideas and opinions will increase through in class communication with other students. 自分のアイデアや意見を発信する能力を、クラスメートとのコミュニケーションを通して養う。
成績評価方法・基準 |
Participation 40%: Smart Choice Online H.W. Completion of all Smart Choice Online Homework within the specified timeframe.
Weekly Assessment 30%: Online Google Forms Tests Language and skills-based tests assess vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing.
Final Assessment 30%: Interview Test The Interview Test focuses on the topics we studied during this quarter.
期末試験の内容 |
Four minutes Interview Test The Interview test is evaluated based on the following criteria: 1. Improved pronunciation, clarity, and fluency in spoken English. 2. Progress in oral communication skills. 3. Better ability to respond to questions and prompts during the interview.
第1回 |
Online Account Set-up (textbook) Course orientation & guidance Unit 1 Vocabulary Development Vacation activities
第2回 |
Unit 1 Vocabulary Development Vacation activities Describe a vacation Agree and disagree with others Understand activities and plans
第3回 |
Unit 1 Vocabulary Development Vacation activities Describe a vacation Agree and disagree with others Understand activities and plans
第4回 |
Unit 2 Vocabulary Development Talk about movies and music Giving opinions Expressing dislikes Use -ing/-ed adjectives
第5回 |
Unit 2 Vocabulary Development Talk about movies and music Giving opinions Expressing dislikes Use -ing/-ed adjectives
第6回 |
Unit 3 Vocabulary Development Talk about extreme sports and activities Talk about personal experiences Use the present perfect
第7回 |
Unit 3 Vocabulary Development Talk about extreme sports and activities Talk about personal experiences Use the present perfect
第8回 |
Review Units 1 ~ 3 Overview of the three units Vocabulary Development Online Progress Test One
第9回 |
Unit 4 Vocabulary Development Geography Talk about describing places Use superlative adjectives Extending a conversation
第10回 |
Unit 4 Vocabulary Development Geography Talk about describing places Use superlative adjectives Extending a conversation
第11回 |
Unit 5 Vocabulary Development Celebrations Talk about special events Discussion about favorite months Describe special cultural events Use clauses with 'before, after and when'
第12回 |
Unit 5 Vocabulary Development Celebrations Talk about special events Discussion about favorite months Describe special cultural events Use clauses with 'before, after and when'
第13回 |
Unit 6 Vocabulary Development Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles Talk about suggestions and obligations Refusing an invitation Use 'should' and 'have to'
第14回 |
Unit 6 Vocabulary Development Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles Talk about suggestions and obligations Refusing an invitation Use 'should' and 'have to'
第15回 |
Unit 6 Vocabulary Development Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles Talk about suggestions and obligations Refusing an invitation Use 'should' and 'have to'
第16回 |
Review Units 4 ~ 6 Overview of the three units Vocabulary Development Online Progress Test Two Interview Test Guideline and guidance
Smart Choice Fourth Edition Book 2
教科書以外に準備するもの(画材・機材) |
For every class, please make sure you have a computer or digital device with internet access, as well as a smartphone. 毎回、スマートフォンに加えて、インターネットにアクセスできるパソコンかタブレットを持参してください。
教員連絡先 |
E-mail address: kragha@dhw.ac.jp