授業コード |
講義名 |
Core Eng II Pro-D (G1)
開講時期 |
科目分類 |
科目分野 |
教員名 |
ジリアン ハドソン
実務家教員 |
履修年次 |
単位数 |
曜日時限 |
授業概要 |
This course focuses on English Production Skills. Through task-based activities students will learn conversation skills important for communication. Building upon this students will also learn about effective public speaking techniques in order to deliver engaging speeches and presentations.
到達目標 |
By the end of this course students will have gained confidence in public speaking. Producing language suitable for speeches and presentations, and performing a memorised speech in class 7 and class 15. Students will also produce some writing homework assignments. Students will have improved communicative competency through work in pairs, groups, and speaking in front of the whole class.
成績評価方法・基準 |
Class Participation 25% Homework 10% Presentation 1 20% Presentation 2 20% Written Test 25%
期末試験の内容 |
Class 7 Presentation One Class 15 Presentation Two Class 16 Written Test
課題の内容 |
For the demonstration speech students prepare a 3 minute presentation script and Powerpoint slides and upload to Google Classroom. Teacher provides feedback and students improve their script or slide design before presenting. For the group presentation, only one person, the group leader, needs to upload.
第1回 |
Review of last quarter’s test + Skill: Expressing Probability
第2回 |
Listening: Juku Culture
第3回 |
Role-play: High School
第4回 |
Skill: Keeping or Killing the Conversation
第5回 |
Listening: Studying Abroad
第6回 |
Preparing a Presentation: Key Points
第7回 |
Presentation One (20%)
第8回 |
Skill: Interrupting Someone
第9回 |
Listening: Youth Subcultures in Japan
第10回 |
Presenting Skills: Voice Inflection
第11回 |
Skill: Polite Requests, Responses, and Excuses
第12回 |
Listening: Cell Phone Etiquette in Public Places
第13回 |
Role-play: Smartphones
第14回 |
Preparing a Presentation: Key Points
第15回 |
Presentation Two (20%)
教科書以外に準備するもの(画材・機材) |
All materials will be provided. Students must complete all homework assignments.
教員連絡先 |