授業コード |
講義名 |
Core Eng III Pro-E (G1)
開講時期 |
科目分類 |
科目分野 |
教員名 |
オリバー マッキー
実務家教員 |
履修年次 |
授業概要 |
The title of this course, "Presentation" gives a clear sign of its main content format: you will analyze content, prepare for and do presentations weekly in front of the class. The contents of the presentations will be various but they will all be based on common communication scenarios, for example, meeting people, storytelling, asking for help, offering suggestions, and so on. Although the presentations will mostly be solo, you will do most of your preparation and practice for them in groups or pairs. In fact, much of the content of your presentations will be summarizing and reporting on the content of pair or group interaction that happened in class or outside of school. Thus, as part of getting ready for your presentations, you will also have many opportunities to practice communication. In short, this course aims to benefit two important skill areas at the same time.
到達目標 |
1. You will gain much experience and acquire confidence in speaking English in front of an audience. 2. You will improve your ability to combine your current English speaking ability with brief written prompts, in order to express yourself publicly. 3. You will acquire knowledge of communicative patterns to increase your confidence and ability in face-to-face communication.
成績評価方法・基準 |
Participation 70%* (*you cannot receive participation points for classes which you do not attend, with the exception of excused absences.) In order to obtain a full participation score for each class, you must make a sincere attempt at any tasks given and must complete your weekly presentation. Note: repeated lateness without good reason will result in participation points being reduced.
Semester review 30% Towards the end of each semester, you will have to do your weekly presentations again. You will receive up to 30% of your final grade for successfully completing this review session.
課題の内容 |
Where class time is insufficient for you to complete your preparation, you will be required to complete it for homework When no specific homework is given, I still encourage you to review each class in your own time, if possible.
第1回 |
Topic 11 - How do you do that? (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "First, Next, Finally" - Actions/warnings - Ending phrase ("Bon Appetit!" etc.)
(2) Pair preparation - 6 steps, 5 or 6 cautions, ending phrase
第2回 |
Topic 11 - How do you do that? (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "Make sure you (don't)~/ Be careful not to~"
(2) Topic 11 - weekly presentation - Instructions Pair preparation, pair presentation to class
第3回 |
Topic 12 - Vote for me! (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "First, Next, Finally" - "I am/I have more ~ than anyone else." - "I have a plan to ~ " - "If I win, I will ~ "
(2) Pair rotation practice - As example presentation script
第4回 |
Topic 12 - Vote for me! (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - Gesture timing - Voice inflection - Eye contact
(2) Topic 12 - weekly presentation - Vote for me! Individual preparation, pair rotation practice, individual presentation to class
第5回 |
Topic 13 - Overseas trip (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - Pronunciation of well-known cities - "Before/after (visit A before B, visit B after A)" - Explanation of itinerary rules
(2) Pair practice Play the itinerary game two times versus the instructor as pairs in rotation
第6回 |
Topic 13 - Overseas trip (1) Pair work: - Play the itinerary game with at least 6 other members of the class
第7回 |
Topic 14 - Superstitions (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "It's good/bad luck to ~" - "If you ~, you will have good/bad luck." - "If you ~, ~ will (happen)"
(2) Pair rotation practice - Come up with 5 Japanese superstitions
第8回 |
Topic 14 - Superstitions (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "Let me tell you a little about Japanese culture." - "Here are some common superstitions."
(2) Topic 14 - weekly presentation - Superstitions Individual preparation, individual practice, individual presentation to class
第9回 |
Topic 15 - Dream trip (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "When I get home tonight, I will cook dinner" - "If you see a black cat at night, you will have bad luck" - "If I won the lottery, I would buy a house." - "I can't ~, but if I could~"
(2) Pair rotation practice - "If you could take a dream trip, where would you go and what would you do?"
第10回 |
Topic 15 - Dream trip (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "If I could take a trip anywhere in the world for 30 days, I would ~ ." - "First, after that, last of all"
(2) Topic 15 - weekly presentation - Dream trip Individual preparation, individual practice, individual presentation to class
第11回 |
Topic 16 - Personal experience (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: (Note to self: teacher True/False quiz) - "I have (done) ~" - "Have you (ever) (done) =?" - "Yes, I have." versus "Yes, I do." - "No, I've never done that."
(2) Pair rotation practice - True/False quiz - Follow up questions: "When did you do it?" "Where did you do it?" "Who did you do it with?"
第12回 |
Topic 16 - Personal experience (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "In one way, I am a little unusual. I have ~ (When) (Where) (With who)"
(2) Topic 16 - weekly presentation - personal experience Individual preparation, pair rotation practice, individual presentation to class
第13回 |
Topic 17 - Personal experience II (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "I have never (done) ~" - "This is because..."
(2) Pair rotation practice - True/False quiz - Follow up question: "Why haven't you (done) ~?"
第14回 |
Topic 17 - Personal experience II (1) Pair/group language analysis, instructor comments: - "In one way, I am a little unusual. I have never (done) ~ This is because...."
(2) Topic 17 - weekly presentation - Personal experience II Individual preparation, pair rotation practice, individual presentation to class
第15回 |
Term 3 presentation review session 1 - Topics 11-12,14
第16回 |
Term 3 presentation review session 2 - Topics 15-17
教科書以外に準備するもの(画材・機材) |
A laptop computer or a smartphone or a notepad/pencil