授業コード |
講義名 |
Core Eng IV Pro-D (G2) [対面]
開講時期 |
科目分類 |
科目分野 |
教員名 |
ベイヤーズ マーク
実務家教員 |
履修年次 |
学習目標 (到達目標) |
To be able to create presentations on various topics (sports, movies and festivals, etc.) using and combining various presentation methods (Powerpoint, videos, etc) as well as using and combining speech techniques (describing features, comparison, summarizing). This time the focus is on the student’s ability to use visuals as hints for content so they don't have to memorize too much, as we have learned so far.
授業概要 (教育目的) |
This is a required course of all first grade students, focusing on English speech skills (transitions), presentation delivery (voice, eye contact) and creation and use of visuals (PowerPoint containing YouTube videos, etc.). You will need to make PowerPoint presentations.
成績評価方法・基準 |
Participation (Questions asked in Q&A after presentations etc.): 30%
Survival English Test: 20%
Speeches (fluency, vocabulary, speech skills): 50%
期末試験の内容 |
Oral test and brief written test (Survival English: Write questions based on the answers. )