授業コード |
講義名 |
Core Eng III EAP-SA (G2) [ライブ]
開講時期 |
科目分類 |
科目分野 |
教員名 |
マイケル リンゲン
実務家教員 |
履修年次 |
学習目標 (到達目標) |
In this class, students will develop a deeper understanding of the English language by improving in all the skill areas of English. By improving their academic reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills, students will be ready to study or work successfully in an environment where English is spoken as a native language.
授業概要 (教育目的) |
During the eight week course, students will learn what the IELTS is and how it can greatly improve their understanding of academic English.
成績評価方法・基準 |
Homework 20%, Exams 15% (x2), Participation 50%
期末試験の内容 |
For the reading, listening, and writing sections, studens will take a written test. For the speaking section, students will take an interview test.
IELTS Trainer Six Practice Tests with Answers and Audio CDs. Cambridge University Press.